Monday, September 12, 2016

Links Shared VIRAL on Facebook?

Facing the problem of links being shared on your friend's Facebook profile? Immediately, follow these steps and get your Facebook account secured.

1. Secure your account
You can secure your Facebook account by CLICKING HERE. Securing your account includes changing passwords, enabling login alerts and approvals.
2. End all active sessions
You can end all the active sessions from Settings >> Security>> Where you're logged in >> End All Activity.
3. Enable login alerts
Facebook provides every user a feature to get notified whenver their Facebook account gets logged in from any browser. Users can enable login alerts and get alert either via notification or email.
 4. Enable login approval codes
By enabling login approval codes, you've added one more layer of security to your Facebook account. With login approval codes, you shall require a separate code even after the correct password is entered.

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