Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Is Suicide The Only Solution?

If a student gets poor marks in SLC examination then, is it a proper solution for them by COMMITTING SUICIDE?
No, it's not a solution at all. Instead it is foolishness. We all know that "Failure is a key to success". If we won't fail, we won't be success. Even if students are failed, they should have self confidence to move on and continue with new aim. But, what actually happens in Nepal is parents discourage their children. Students are the ones to be failed. Parents just think of social pride. His/her son/daughter brought distinction in examination. And, look at my son/daughter, he/she is failure. If parents say so, then it's a kind of mental stress for students. And they can cross any limit to be relief from it. SLC Result isn't a big thing. 
Let's take an example of famous Nepalese Actor; Hari Bansha Acharya. He didn't pass SLC exam even though he is liked by everyone. But, see Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai; who was one of the SLC Board Topper, he entered in politics and many people have their own opinion with him. SLC results don't really determine the future of students. 
I agree that every parent have a big dream to make their children a successful person. But, if the same children fail in SLC then, it's the responsibility of parents to convince them and make them hopeful for bright future. As Thomas Alva Edison have mentioned, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to SUCCEED is always try just ONE MORE TIME.” 
The tradition of theoretical knowledge is widely practice in Nepal which is gradually changing. What I suggest to all students who are thinking to commit suicide is, “SLC is not the only thing throughout your life. You’ll have bigger exams in coming days than SLC. Don’t feel sad for your poor results. You’ll surely do better in coming days.” Once with calm mind all students thinking of quitting must think about family first. How they managed till date to make you grown into teenager? Many people might think it a strange. But it’s reality. Those person who secured Distinction aren’t success throughout their life instead, the failure ones are ahead of the Distinction holders. 
There is a popular saying, “Failure is temporary, and it’s giving up that is permanent.” So, students NEVER GIVE UP. Try your best. I request all the parents of the failure students not to give them mental torture instead encourage them to try one more time.

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